Recently we launched 819 Evergreen Fund I Coöperatief U.A. (“819 Evergreen Fund” or “the Fund”).

819 Evergreen Fund is incorporated to enable sustainable value creation in essential sectors, such as healthcare, by investing in key enabling technologies (deep tech).
The Fund’s predecessor is Lumana Invest. Since the transition to 819 Evergreen Fund last period, we have already welcomed our first new investors to the Fund.
819 Evergreen Fund has an open-ended structure. The Fund invests in start-ups and scale-ups and has a focus on minority interest. The Fund currently has 8 active portfolio investments.
The Fund is a collective investment undertaking (beleggingsinstelling) within the meaning of section 1:1 of the Dutch Financial Markets Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht) (“FMSA”). The Fund and its Manager (819 Capital Partners) are registered with the AFM in accordance with section 2:66a of the FMSA (AFM Fund ID: 50033383).
Zuidbroek assisted in setting up the Fund.
Feel free to contact us for more information.