nders Invest Food & Agri Fund has acquired a majority stake in Hillco Poultry Company B.V. The company produces and sells chicken products for the Dutch, Belgian, and German foodservice markets. Together with the new management team – Jaap Randewijk and Dinand Heijkamp – as well as the existing Hillco team, the focus will be on further growing the business in existing and new markets.
Hillco Poultry Company B.V. is a Dutch family-owned business that has specialized in processing responsible chicken products for over 40 years. Under the brand Family Chicken, Hillco offers a thoughtfully curated range of chicken products aimed at the foodservice sector. Particularly, restaurants, fast-food chains, caterers, and gas stations are among the key target groups. With a strong focus on taste, quality, stability, and clear pricing policies, Family Chicken has secured a strong position in the Dutch foodservice industry. Additionally, Hillco aims to significantly expand its own brand “Smikkelkip” in the coming years.
The company has been transferred from the Van den Brink family to Anders Invest, Dinand Heijkamp, and Jaap Randewijk. The reason for this is that the Van den Brink family sees ample growth opportunities for Hillco and is seeking a suitable new owner to realize these growth opportunities. Therefore, it has been agreed that Dinand Heijkamp and Jaap Randewijk will lead the management and, together with Anders Invest, implement the growth strategy. After a transition period, the Van den Brink family will focus on other activities.
Evert Hein Schuiteman, partner at Anders Invest, is pleased with the arrival of Hillco: “They are a major player in the market with a substantial turnover and solid margins. I am impressed by the high-quality products and the team’s expertise in product development and sales. The market is also interesting; although meat consumption per capita is slightly declining, we see growth in the consumption of high-quality chicken snacks, especially in the foodservice channel. This inspires confidence, and we anticipate a wide range of opportunities for Hillco’s positioning and strategy.”
Ap van den Brink, one of the sellers, says, “We are glad that we could transfer it this way. The enthusiasm and energy of Jaap, Dinand, and the whole team, together with the ambitions and professional support of Anders, provide confidence for the future. Additionally, it is our desire that the Biblical truth of Psalm 127:1 will not be forgotten in the future. Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”
For more information:
Anders Invest: http://www.andersinvest.nl/
Evert Hein Schuiteman (Partner Anders Invest food & agri fund) – +31 6 55 766 513 / Evert Hein Schuiteman ehschuiteman@andersinvest.nl
Jurjen van der Werf (Investment Manager Anders Invest) – +31 6 23 80 27 83 / jvanderwerf@andersinvest.nl
Hillco Poultry Company: www.hillcopoeliersbedrijf.nl